Saturday, April 18, 2009

Next Stop Design

The crowdsourcing bus stop project is up and running with a few kinks. Right now, users can go to the site,, register, and write on the discussion board as well as rate or submit designs for a new bus stop on the business loop at the University of Utah. So far, one design has been submitted - though the design image is not loading on the site due to some minor "technical problems" which will hopefully be ironed out this weekend.

Only image files can be uploaded - JPEG preferred. My suggestion: be patient. Users can also post ideas about what they would like to see in bus stops - which is really useful for designers.

I look forward to seeing how this process unfolds, how the crowd sifts through the designs and ideas and what works and what doesn't. Ultimately this is a small step in a much larger picture, but any step to get people more involved in their community and surroundings is positive in my mind.